オートメーションは、労働者の安全・安心、効率、レジリエンスを高め、非接触の作業環境構築を実現する有望な技術領域のひとつです。新シリーズをはじめるにあたり、世界の各地域で活躍している日立のオートメーション分野の研究リーダーに、それぞれの役割について、一言紹介してもらいました。世界中のオピニオンリーダーやステークホルダーと共に、オートメーション技術による“powering good”に貢献していきます。
野中 洋一 (Youichi NONAKA), PhD
(株)日立製作所 研開発グループ
We are working to ensure that the advantages of our cutting-edge automation technologies are experienced as real value through the services and solutions provided by Hitachi's business units in the industry sector. We look forward to working with customers and partners worldwide to drive innovation for good in the area of automation.
Research & Development Division, Hitachi America, Ltd.
Manufacturing industry has been challenged to become more resilient and flexible. We are working on industrial automation x digital solutions by leveraging Hitachi global talents and regional ecosystem to enable manufacturers with the agility, flexibility and resilience they need to thrive.
Lounell GUETA, PhD
Research & Development Center, Hitachi Asia Ltd.
From work environment to one's home comfort, from mass production to mass customization, automation solutions will be omnipresent soon. Let's make it happen in Southeast Asia by working together with public and private research institutes.
Hitachi (China) Research & Development Corporation
To accelerate the DX of the manufacturing and logistics industries in New Normal, we will create innovative solutions, and expand the solution business in China.
European R&D Centre, Hitachi Europe SAS.
We leverage EU's social changes and Hitachi's key values to propose smart manufacturing innovation via open collaboration. We actively contribute to innovation-driven customer cocreation and to international standardization, as well as to innovative digital solutions for sustainable Social Innovation Business in the AI-based and human-centric manufacturing domain.