Publishing Academic Papers:
Lifetime modelling for mechanical equipment by utilizing time-series data based-on the damage-based survival analysis (A trial for applying the model to the equipment in a chemical plant) , Transactions of the JSME, 2020
Abstract: A variety of health assessment technologies for mechanical systems utilizing time-series sensor data has been developed and are recently being applied to the maintenance work as a solution to the predictive maintenance. A majority of these technologies are the condition-based way which premises the existence of condition monitoring sensors such as accelerometers for the vibration monitoring of rotating mechanical elements. In the present study, authors suggested a load history-based methodology for identifying a descriptive and stochastic model of the useful life of mechanical systems to realize the predictive maintenance under constraints of sensing conditions. The methodology (Damage-based survival analysis, DbSA) was based on a parametric survival analysis by the maximum likelihood estimation assuming the Weibull distribution of the useful life. A random variable of the probability distribution was converted from the elapsed time to cumulative value of a function of time-series sensor data and parameters of this function were optimized to minimize the dispersion of the probability distribution by the particle swarm optimization. DbSA was applied to a historical record of a clogging problem in a strainer in a chemical plant and its time-series process data to demonstrate the usefulness. An identified damage-based lifetime model exhibited less than 50% smaller dispersion (coefficient of variance) compared to the timed-based probability distribution. In addition, an identified function composed of the process data implied an effect of the impurity generation to the clogging problem. If the identified model was applied to a dataset which was not used to the model identification, it was indicated that 3 of 8 cloggings were occurred when the damage-based failure probability was more than 50% although the time-based probability did not reach to this level at any time.
Prediction method of vibration response of electric motor considering casing as dynamic stiffness, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2012
Abstract: The efficiency of designing a large-scale structure with many variables can often be increased by decomposing the design problem into less complex sub-problems. This article presents heuristic procedures of determining an appropriate design sequence to solve decomposed structural optimization problems using a sequential design (single-pass) strategy. One heuristic procedure exploits the monotonicity of a global constraint, which is included in all the sub-problems. Another procedure is based on the coupling strength of interactions between sub-problems, obtaining the appropriate design sequence and then verifying it with monotonicity analysis. The procedures are applied to two types of structural design problems; the metric for sequencing decomposed sub-problems can be obtained analytically for one design problem and numerically for another one. As a result, the sequencing procedures lead to satisfactory solutions at low computational cost, indicating their value for industrial product development. KeywordsStructural optimization–Decomposition method–Sequential design–Coupling strength–Monotonicity analysis.
第66回大河内記念生産賞 電化非電化区間ともに走行可能な高速鉄道車両の開発(2020)
2022年度 日本機械学会賞(論文) 「多層ベローズ排気管の疲労寿命評価技術の開発」
2019年度 日本機械学会賞(論文) 「多層バルジ試験片を用いた薄膜の破壊強度評価手法の開発」
2019年度 日本機械学会賞(技術)「半導体ひずみセンサ「STREAL」の開発と事業化」
第76回電気学術振興賞 論文賞「超音波診断用CMUTの積層薄膜構造の検討」