

Our Leaders -
Technology & Design

武田 志津

日立製作所 技師長

武田 志津



現在 専門理事 兼 研究開発グループ技師長 兼 基礎研究センタ日立神戸ラボ長





  • 再生医療・細胞治療
  • 合成バイオ
  • 分子生物学


東海大学特定認定再生医療等委員会 委員
バイオ産業情報化コンソーシアム 倫理審査委員会 委員
文部科学省 ナノテクノロジー・材料科学技術委員会 委員
2018年 6月~現在
神戸ポートアイランド創薬フォーラム 役員
神戸ポートアイランド創薬フォーラム 代表役員)
神戸医療産業都市運営委員会 委員
台湾 Locus Cell Corp (樂迦再生科技股份有限公司) 顧問
文部科学省 再生・細胞医療・遺伝子治療研究の在り方に係る検討会 委員
国際細胞治療学会 ISCT APAC Committee Member




  1. Saito H, Kato M, Hirai K, Kiyama M, Ohyama K, Hanzawa H, Nakane A, Sekiya S, Yoshida K, Kishino A, Tsuchida A, Kimura T, Takahashi J, and Takeda S: Analysis of extracellular vesicles as a potential index for monitoring differentiation of neural lineage cells from induced pluripotent stem cells, J Biosci Bioeng, 132(4), 381-389, 2021.
  2. Nishimura, R,Nakajima, R.Takagi, G.Zhou, D.Suzuki, M.Kiyama, T.Nozaki, T.Owaki, T.Takahara, S.Nagai, T.Nakamura, M.Sugaya, K.Terada, Y.Igarashi, H.Hanzawa, T.Okano, T.Shimizu, M.Yamato and S.Takeda: Fabrication of tissue-engineered cell sheets by automated cell culture equipment, J Tissue Eng Regen Med., 13(12): 2246-2255, Dec 2019.
  3. M.Okanojo, K.O.Okeyo, H.Hanzawa, O.Kurosawa, H.Oana, S.Takeda and M.Washizu: Nuclear transplantation between allogeneic cells through topological reconnection of plasma membrane in a microfluidic system, Biomicrofluidics, 13(3):034115, 10 June 2019.
  4. E.Matsumoto, N.Koide, H.Hanzawa, M.Kiyama, M.Ohta, J.Kuwabara, S.Takeda and M.Takahashi: Fabricating retinal pigment epithelial cell sheets derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells in an automated closed culture system for regenerative medicine, PLoS One., 14(3):e0212369, 13 Mar 2019.
  5. T.Kikuchi, M.Kino-Oka, M.Wada, T.Kobayashi, M.Kato, S.Takeda, H.Kubo, T.Ogawa, H.Sunayama, K.Tanimoto, M.Mizutani, T.Shimizu and T.Okano: A novel, flexible and automated manufacturing facility for cell-based health care products: Tissue Factory. Regen Ther., 9:89-99, 29 Sep 2018.
  6. R.Nakajima and S.Takeda: Efficient fabrication of epidermal cell sheets using γ-secretase inhibitor, J Dermatol Sci., 76(3):246-54, Dec 2014.
  7. R.Nakajima and S.Takeda: Fabrication of corneal epithelial cell sheets maintaining colony-forming cells without feeder cells by oxygen-controlled method, Exp Eye Res., 118:53-60, Jan 2014.
  8. Y.Oie, T.Nozaki, H.Takayanagi, S.Hara, R.Hayashi, S.Takeda, K.Mori, N.Moriya, T.Soma, M.Tsujikawa, K.Saito and K.Nishida, Development of a cell sheet transportation technique for regenerative medicine. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 20(5):373-82, May 2014.
  9. R.Nakajima and S.Takeda: The efficient fabrication of corneal epithelial cell sheets by controlling oxygen concentration, Exp Eye Res., 116:434-8, Nov 2013.
  10. R.Nakajima, T.Kobayashi, T.Kikuchi, Y.Kitano, H.Watanabe, M.Mizutani, T.Nozaki, N.Senda, Saitoh R.Takagi, M.Yamato T.Okano, S.Takeda: Fabrication of transplantable corneal epithelial and oral mucosal epithelial cell sheets using a novel temperature-responsive closed culture device. J Tissue Eng Regen Med., 9(5):637-40, May 2015.
  11. R.Nakajima, T.Kobayashi, N.Moriya, M.Mizutani, K.Kan, T.Nozaki, K.Saitoh, M.Yamato, T.Okano and S.Takeda: A novel closed cell culture device for fabrication of corneal epithelial cell sheets, J Tissue Eng Regen Med., 9(11):1259-67, Nov. 2015.
  12. Y.Ishige, S.Takeda and M.Kamahori: Direct detection of enzyme-catalyzed products by FET sensor with ferrocene-modified electrode, Biosens Bioelectron., 26(4):1366-72. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2010.07.053. E, published 21 Jul 2010.
  13. H.Suzuki et al., The transcriptional network that controls growth arrest and differentiation in a human myeloid leukemia cell line, FANTOM Consortium, Nat Genet., 41(5):553-62, May 2009.
  14. T.Urano, T.Usui, S.Takeda et al.: TRIM44 interacts with and stabilizes terf, a TRIM ubiquitin E3 ligase, Biochem Biophys Res Commun.;383(2):263-8, 29 May 2009.
  15. T.Miyasaka, M.Morita, K.Ito, T.Suzuki, H.Fukuda, S.Takeda, et al.: Interaction of antiproliferative protein Tob with the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex, Cancer Sci., 99(4):755-61, April 2008.
  16. N.Sugaya, K.Ikeda, T.Tashiro, S.Takeda et al.: An integrative in silico approach for discovering candidates for drug-targetable protein-protein interactions in interactome data, BMC Pharmacol., 7:10, 20 August 2007.
  17. Y.Sano, T.Nakaya, S.Pedrini, S.Takeda, et al., Physiological mouse brain Abeta levels are not related to the phosphorylation state of threonine-668 of Alzheimer's APP, PLoS One., 1:e51, 20 Dec 2006.
  18. T.Suzuki, K.Ando, K.Iijima, S.Oguchi and S.Takeda: Phosphorylation of Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Family Proteins, Methods Mol Med.,32:271-82. doi: 10.1385/1-59259-195-7:271, 2000.
  19. K.Iijima, K.Ando, S.Takeda et al.: Neuron-specific phosphorylation of Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein by cyclin-dependent kinase, J Neurochem., 75(3):1085-91, Sept. 2000.
  20. K.Ando, M.Oishi, S.Takeda et al.: Role of phosphorylation of Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein during neuronal differentiation, J Neurosci., 19(11):4421-7, 1 June 1999.
  21. S.Tomita, T.Ozaki, H.Taru, S.Oguchi, S.Takeda et al.: Interaction of a neuron-specific protein containing PDZ domains with Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein, J Biol Chem., 274(4):2243-54, 22 Jan 1999.
  22. J.Desdouits-Magnen, F.Desdouits, S.Takeda et al.: Regulation of secretion of Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein by the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade, J Neurochem., 70(2):524-30, Feb 1998.
  23. T.Okamoto, S.Takeda et al.: Intrinsic signaling function of APP as a novel target of three V642 mutations linked to familial Alzheimer's disease, EMBO J., 15(15):3769-77, 1 Aug 1996.
  24. T.Yamatsuji, T.Matsui, T.Okamoto, K.Komatsuzaki, S.Takeda et al.: G protein-mediated neuronal DNA fragmentation induced by familial Alzheimer's disease-associated mutants of APP, Science, 272(5266):1349-52, 31 May 1996.
  25. T.Yamatsuji, T.Okamoto, S.Takeda et al.: Expression of V642 APP mutant causes cellular apoptosis as Alzheimer trait-linked phenotype, EMBO J., 15(3):498-509, 1 Feb 1996.
  26. Y.Murayama, S.Takeda et al.: Cell surface receptor function of amyloid precursor protein that activates Ser/Thr kinases, Gerontology, 42 Suppl 1:2-11, 1996.
  27. T.Okamoto, S.Takeda et al.: Ligand-dependent G protein coupling function of amyloid transmembrane precursor, J Biol Chem., 270(9):4205-8, 2 March 1995.
  28. S.Takeda et al.: Purification of low-molecular-weight GTP-binding proteins structurally related to MTG33, a mitochondrial GTP-binding protein of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, J Biochem., 118(4):791-5, Oct 1995.
  29. S.Takeda et al.: Purification of a GTP-binding protein localized in mitochondria, J Biochem., 114(5):684-90, Nov 1993.
  30. H.Hirai, S.Takeda et al.: Inhibition of SV40 DNA replication in vitro by chlorpromazine, Biol Pharm Bull., 16(6):565-7, June 1993.
  31. S.Takeda et al.: Nuclear GTP-binding proteins of Swiss 3T3 cells, FEBS Lett., 244(2):469-72, 27 Feb 1989.


  • 第60回十大新製品賞 本賞(2018年)
  • 第7回モノづくり連携大賞 日刊工業新聞社賞(2012年)
  • 平成30年度近畿地方発明表彰 (2018年)兵庫県発明協会会長賞 細胞培養装置用送液装置
  • 第7回女性技術者育成功労賞 (2021年)


Trends for cell culture technology and automation in regenerative medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Conference 2019.
スマートセル創製を加速するAI基盤技術, 関西スマートセルフォーラム2018.
Hitachi R&D for Promotion of Regenerative Medicine, 2018 Healthcare Expo Taiwan.
スマートセル開発を加速するAIの開発に向けた取組み, 2018日本生物工学会シンポジウム講演.
「オープンイノベイノベーションで牽引する再生医療の普及」,第二回 医療器機産業参入研究会2017.
バイオとデジタルの融合によるスマートセル創製プラットフォーム構築, BioJapan2017 NEDOセミナー.
再生医療産業化推進のための基盤技術の開発, 第14回 日本再生医療学会総会 2015.
再生医療向け細胞シート自動培養装置の開発, 文部科学省先端融合領域イノベーション創出拠点の形成プロジェクト 細胞シートテッシュエンジニアリングセンター シンポジウム 2015
Hitachi Group's Approach to Regenerative Medicine, 2010 International Society for Cellular Therapy, 1st Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2010

Technology & Design